Saturday, September 22, 2007

day 74
ive been out with godess photgraphing a 21st this evening.
busting to scrap...may do a few hours right now


Donna Heart said...

Hello Luv! Congrats on 5000 hits - that happened pretty quick - you must have quite a fan base now - and I'm not at all surprised - those 6x12 Lo's are beautiful - and I love the photo of you in pink. Yes - definitely getting the 400D - just a matter of time...Hey - how did you know exactly who the 5000th visitor was? Can you email me with how so I can do the same? Ta chick, Luv Donski

Jodie said...

hey witch!!
love those crop night pics, wow it is a small world hey!!
lovin ur pics an work as always.
just droppin by to say hi


ElleDee said...

You must pardon me ... I know NOTHING about scrapbooking which includes the lingo. But I admire the pictures on your blog think your daughters are little knock-outs ;)

Lauren said...

I love this pic witch!
Its my fav ever i think