farewell 2008 ...wasn't it great ..............!!!
the end of a wonderful year ,full of fun and happiness,a little struggle and some worry,
but basically a super year for me ,a changing year..
evalutaing,recharging and refocusing .
how about you.....
im feeling a change ,maybe it's hitting my 40's,and looking foward to living thru them.
anyway..blah blah ...
i've had my gorgeous god daughter here with us ..
we have been to the flicks and seen BEDTIME STORIES ,
some essential swimming
and darling asti bought a lovely best friends
necklace to share with ash...they are 5 days apart in age....
and ashley in red,is the elder of the 2 .heheheheh
aint that cute ,she's such a sweet girl and we miss her
now that she has moved to sydney .
but we are making the most of the time they are spending up here on hols,
and yay we get to go to sydney next week for a visit too.
oh if you looking for a laugh and like me love beyonce and JT
check out this you tube vid..
heheheh hehehheheheheheh ya gotta love a celeb
that takes the piss outtas themselves
so finally a few pics from today..
well can you see a change????????????.hehhhe
hehhehehehheee.i'd like to thanks the special people in my life who helped me make
this year to year to remember who i am ,and who i'd like to be....
helped me realize that change isnt as hard as it i think it is ,and i am a powerful woman
with a passion for life and for living .....
love ,hugs and kisses to you.
we are out to watch the fireworks and enjoy family time..
whats happening tonight in your part of paradise...?
I just wanted to wish you and your family a very Happy New year, and may next years light burn brighter than ever. Thankyou for being so inspiring!
Renee xox
Its amazing what 365 days can do in a persons life. You look fantastic!!!
Have a good one.
Wow scrapwitch I was just thinking recently that you looked like you had lost heaps of weight... and after seeing the last 365 photo really reinforces that!!!! you are looking really really good... Happy New Year to you and your lovely family xxx from up in the Top End xxx
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