Friday, October 31, 2008

i love halloween ,of course ,steeped in pagan tradition
All Hallow’s Eve is the day when the worlds merge,
that of Spirit and flesh, where the veils are at their thinnest,
and the Ancestors can freely roam between the two membranes of time and existence.
We can communicate more clearly with them, communing together in dreams and shadows.Samhain corresponds to the Wisdom Cycle of life,
the Winter Deities, and thus ensures that our communing with the Ancestors
is clear and well grounded.Samhain is when the Wild Hunt emerges from
Faerie to roam the winter countryside.
Mortals getting in the path of the Hunt could be kidnapped
and brought to the land of the dead.
but enough about that ..its not winter its summer and dont get me strated on north and southern hemisperes and pagan festivals ..hehhehehe
do you all know how much i adore my job...
we have soo much fun together with my collegues and
the children who share our day everyday mon-fri
how could we not get in the spirit of things today ..
the children so enjoyed themselves and almost all came dressed
in thier finest halloween costumes ...
our centre director is such a hoot ..we loved plaing around this morning ,a few wicked cackles and lots of laughter and spooks from the kids too(sorry i cant share our cute lil witches ghouls and mosters ,but confidentiality and all that ).here's ones i can share ..miss K spooked

a very gorgeous vampire miss roxy
imagine taking class with these witches.heheheheeheh

there were spiders and insects everywhere

time for spooking at home now....hheehhehehe

tim ,dont think he is very impressed with my pumpkin

miss e zombie cheerleader

vampire asti

trick or treaters
and finally some layouts
ive found my mojo
and heres what i accomplished last night ...
for miss loz

and this is something im working on.. wondering how i can incorperate
donnas canvas style to this ..also looking for the perfect heart/love quote
suggestions are appreciated
a layout for Louise
a day on the harbour..loving the layers of crete paper and tissue paper,
now im on the hunt for more vibrant colours

and another with the entrance a few weeks ago.
thanks for the gorgeous matt pics..i love them they are so delish to work with again

have had a cackling great day ,what about you ??????


Lauren said...

Love all those layouts (esp the one of my little family~~!!!!)
Thanks so much....
Love your work

Sar said...

Wow Witch, AWESOME LO's. Love all your halloween fun, looks like you had a blast. You should've seen 22mth old Georgie crying when the kids came trick or treating last night....they looked very scary!


Anonymous said...

AWESOME!! Your work place sounds like a neat place to work. Our work had a morning tea and some decorations placed around. I enjoyed your history lesson on Halloween as we were discussing at work how it all came about, very interesting reading. Great to see your mojo back, love what you have created!

Maxine said...

Look at all the amazing layouts!!! Fantastic to see your family in the spirit of Halloween. Awesome.