Friday, June 19, 2009

im off to visit Adelaide .
back on monday
"I never travel without my diary.
One should always have something
sensational to read in the train."
(make that plane)
Oscar WildeIrish poet, novelist,
dramatist and critic,

Monday, June 15, 2009

Back to work..the sun is shining the walk to walk is fresh but invigorating
there's a spring in my step ,because at the end of the week
I'm off to south Australia to catch up with some scrap cyber friends .
I've never been to Adelaide ,so another first for me in 2 months ,
first visiting Melbourne,now if i could just fund a
trip to Perth i would almost have meet all my cyber friends
and oh to meet those important internationals -one can dream

quote of the day
there are two ways to live your life
one is as though
nothing is a miracle

the other is as though
everything is a miracle

Albert Einstein

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Another fun weekend...,finally back to myself ...
but need to exercise and get back to normal life
(especially since i binged on cadbury black forest chocolate last night)
ohhhhhhps.......and today ...i bought my first 2 pairs of size 12 jeans ...yay
bearing in mind at the start of my journey(in sept last year )
i was wearing size 20 jeans ...
i thought it would take longer ..
but with the last few months and working with laurie ( my PT )
im happy to finailly be seeing and achieving results
Today i bought a new 700 dollars off...
flashing my happy bright smile ...wink ....
as far as my creative life is going
im finally starting to get some flow again ....
finished this mini album for miss zane
based on her time here with me
a layout to celebrate her style
my gorgeous 2 went ice skating today with miss edie
thanks ange and dee xxxxx
quote of the day

believe that life is worth living .
and your belief will
help you create the fact .
Willam James 1842-1910
American psychologist philosopher.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


slowly on the mend ,missing a healthy body .
thru together these layouts after work today..need to kick start my mojo...
especially in the afternoon,because the evenings are so cold and
all i want to do is have an early shower and hit the sack..
my bodies trying to tell me something .REST.
go the transformation in these photos..
taken 15 months apart ...yay 4 me
miss Evy is running super hot with her camera atm..had to share this special shot
she's a wiz at the self portrait(aint all the kids now a days )
quote of the day
the day ,water,sun,moon,night-
i do not have to pay to enjoy these things

tinus platus
roman dramitist

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

im not at all well ..
I'll be back when
the world stops spinning


Sunday, June 07, 2009

Sunday ...lazy Sundays ..i love them ..
but today wasn't one of them
spending time with Lisa G
a long over due catch up after lots of traveling on both parties
so it was lunch and shopping :) so a Lisa G day out
and then back for some more GF time with miss Angie
whom, if u don't know, is Georgie's
stunningly beautiful and super talented mother
quote of the day

we are here and it is now .
further than that.
all human knowledge
is moonshine


Saturday, June 06, 2009

"its a brother sister thing"
i havent seen my brother in oh so long ,
and i always love to catch up with him,
even though he still likes to make fun of me
(its the brother sister thing -u know) .
his family are so delightful
the kids ,my nephews are so fun ,
both my kids were out doing
pre organized friends things (bummer)
so i went out to lunch with mum and meet up for a quick catch up
im not really a club girl so it was super to find some sun
outside and hang with the kids while they played a game of pool....
hehe pool ...i do remember personally just how difficult it was to master
the art of a direct hit upon the white ball let alone
then connecting to a coloured ball and actually sinking something .
Ryan was so adorable to watch ,
his over arm technique made me cringe inside and laugh outside
i did attempt to instruct him ,
and nan also attempted to give instruction ..
its just practice ...right go Ryan ...
wont be long and it will be happening
...check out Roberts cool technique

quote of the day

if i had two loaves of bread,
i would sell one and buy hyacinths
for they would feed my soul.

the Qur'an

Thursday, June 04, 2009

a sneek peek of my scrapjack for this month

quote of the day
Carpe Diem
Nadia ..i bought my ringS...the black markazite
and plain black ,blue ,rhinestone,2 pink at equip
this black markazite was about 16.00 the other single colour ones are 10.00
i love em..cant walk past the shop without getting another one ..hehhehe

Wednesday, June 03, 2009


quote of the day

I never think of the future.
It comes soon enough

Albert Einstein

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

after shower..after workout
im back into it ..
Ive been a little slack since miss Zane left
but a new week
an new workout
and back on track
another phone pic...
the kids are so over taking my daily shot
quote of the day
An eye for an eye
makes the whole world blind.
Mahatma Gandhi

Monday, June 01, 2009

today's photo is a phone pic .
i was a little bored whilst waiting for miss Evy to finish dancing
i would usually walk at this time..
but the rain and my straight hair ,
just don't mix .
plus i only found out the other day
that you can email your pics to
your email Addy from your phone
yes i am old school .lol
quote of the day
one of my favs

Happy the man ,and happy he alone ,
he who can call today his own;
he who secure within,can say
tomorrow do they worst ,
for i have lived for today ..

john Dryden
english poet ,playwright