Saturday, May 02, 2009

another gorgeous day
been out with miss evy ..
walking/biking and enjoying the sunshine
astis was at abbys having a girlie fun time
poor boo boo was being tortured with evys special kind of love
im a little better..after my flu ...
and my 2nd dental appointment in as many weeks ...
with 2 more to go,my wallet is starting to feel the pinch

ruby bisson youve been scrapjacked 2 from today ....

miss evys feet self portrait
i do like this photo
inspired by art photo/ journal
quote of the day
"Don’t ask what the world needs.
Ask what makes
you come alive, and go do it.
Because what the world needs
is people who have come alive."

Howard Thurman
American theologian,
clergyman and activist.


Ruby Claire said...

LOL Evy didnt put that lil top on BooBoo did she? hehe

Sounds like you had a fab day!!
I looovee your take on the scrapjack! OMG Such a suprise! :D It made my day :) ;)

Love the other 2 layouts toooo!
I can see you have been using those darrliing inks!!

Annd duude that photo/art journal is lookin' FABBO sister friend!!
Can't wait to see it all finished!! xo

chrisw said...

Lovin those layouts and those feet,happy scrappin day!