Saturday, June 06, 2009

"its a brother sister thing"
i havent seen my brother in oh so long ,
and i always love to catch up with him,
even though he still likes to make fun of me
(its the brother sister thing -u know) .
his family are so delightful
the kids ,my nephews are so fun ,
both my kids were out doing
pre organized friends things (bummer)
so i went out to lunch with mum and meet up for a quick catch up
im not really a club girl so it was super to find some sun
outside and hang with the kids while they played a game of pool....
hehe pool ...i do remember personally just how difficult it was to master
the art of a direct hit upon the white ball let alone
then connecting to a coloured ball and actually sinking something .
Ryan was so adorable to watch ,
his over arm technique made me cringe inside and laugh outside
i did attempt to instruct him ,
and nan also attempted to give instruction ..
its just practice ...right go Ryan ...
wont be long and it will be happening
...check out Roberts cool technique

quote of the day

if i had two loaves of bread,
i would sell one and buy hyacinths
for they would feed my soul.

the Qur'an

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