Tuesday, April 08, 2008

day 267
oh my ive been bustin to create a layout ..
finally i scrapped some ancient rock memerobilia from
my 1985 meeting with BONO VOX....
geez i sound like a right goupie hey ?
so anyway ,my friend MAKA ,whom i met U2 with in 85,
now works a parraratzo in SYDNEY ..
and he kindly semt me a few shots thru for me....

daily self portrait pic 267


Anonymous said...

I saw your layout over at SIS Lisa, you've done an BRILLIANT job with it!!
How cool to have 'connections' that send fantastic pix such as this.

Julie xx

Donna Heart said...

Oh man - how awesome is that lo! If I was 16 again I would have been caught licking the screen - I was such a U2 fan - lucky girl to have met the man himself!!!!!!!YUM Eye candy indeed...

Ali said...

wowee i love this LO Lisa! that is a kind gift from your friend, what memories the photo would have brought back!