Thursday, March 06, 2008

DAY 235
for me a little work!
kids are off to mums tonight .
poppy is taking them tomorrow to school...
so its just boo and i tonight .
and lots of paperwork to do for work..
i do wish it was the other type of get me girls ?


Ali said...

hope you found some time for scrapping last night lisa.. at least u had the gorgeous Boo to keep u company...Weirdest thing happened last night! u were in a dream of mine- u and your girls came to have a picnic with me and some of my other friends! weird ey? must've had scrappin on the brain when i went to sleep....?! xx ali

Binxcat1 said...

Oh wow... I am such a slack blog hopper! The witch cast her wonderous spell... I've been tagged! Thanks chickie and right back at ya... your blog ROCKS as ever... not just eye candy... it's sweets for the soul I tell ya!