Sunday, November 04, 2007

day 115
new haviannas for the girls in the house
dont ya just looooove the colours ..
i do ,but i really need an orange pair too.
heres my pic of the day.
one of paul...evy get such cool pics
my little girls growing..
today we shopped for a soft training bra

blessing to our marie,fighting hard to get well
frangiannis remind me of marie as she loves her garden so and
she adores these stunning gifts from GODS hand

ive been tagged ,by our newley returned jetsetter
the beautiful know you make me smile too mel!

i tag..... jodie ,cause she always makes me smile,pam for her everyday smiles and support ,zane ,for the cracker great times we shared smiling,chelle for her post that make me smile,robyn,donna and tiddly for the smile they bring to my face when i look at their awesome work.ruby ,for your enthusiasm,lucy cause your special..and everyone who visits ,cause you all make me smile .


Michelle Jamieson said...

Great pics of you all.

Hoping Marie is doing ok, today...sending cyber hugs to her!

Will do my tag tomorrow!!:)You make me smile, too, Witch!

Chelle Xx

Jodie said...

man she is one talented photographer.
does she take bookings? hehe.

aw training bra, she is growing up.
how exciting is first bra shopping wow i remember those days back in primary school i felt so grown up.

lovin the havianas, :)

im thinking of marie, and hope she is ok :)

thanks for the tag, ur too sweet.


binrow said...

Oh I remeber my first bra!

And you make me smile too!


miasmummy said...

Go the Havianas, girls after my own heart!!! Did you get the book? Just wondering!!! xxxx

Ruby Claire said...

OOo thanks for tagging me Witchy!! :D
What AWESOME piccies!! LOVE the photo of you with the flowers in your hair!! :0
Lol bit of a weird question,... but what do we do once we are tagged?? hehe
Have a fab week! :)

Anonymous said...

ahhhhh Witch I'm thinking and sending caring thoughts for Marie xxx Hugs xxx

Love all your Pic's and your a smile in my day also xxx

I hated my first bra... but hey they didn't have an style back when I had to choose one

Just love the improvements and advancements in underwear design

Back to New Blinds said...

Hey babe,

Glad to hear Marie is putting up a fight. Franjipanis mmmmmmmm one of my favourites.

Great piccy of both you and Paul as well your gorgeous growing girl.

Ummmmmmmmm I've been shopping. Hope to update the blog soon with what.