Saturday, July 21, 2007

DAY 11
..went out early this mornig and picked up my HP7 novel.
had a pile of running around to do this mornig..
but just churned thru 6 chapters
have to drop it now and head out again...i think i need glasses..


binrow said...

Enjoy for me!!!

Nicole said...

never got into HP, but still want to know what happens in the end.
your not tempted to flip to the back now are you.

Great Pic


Jodie said...

harry potter NERD!!!


Donna Heart said...

I've got mine ordered through Angus and Robertson, but have to wait a fortnight as they couldn't keep up with the orders!!! I can't wait!!! - I am a bit of a HP fan - and most things fantasy. Read The Wizard of Earthsea in year 8 by Ursula Leguin and got hooked! - oh, not to mention The Hobbit... Love your pics Witchy - who's a busy girl this weekend???

tracey said...

lol-- so have u finished HP yet ....hope you enjoyed your reading time - and did not have to steal your book back from the kids too often